Material Management Plans

The re-use, disposal and importation of soils is integral to maximising development returns.

The re-use of materials on a site or the transfer of materials between sites often requires a Material Management Plan to ensure that the material is suitable for use and does not fall under waste management regulations.

This is one service where you can save both time and cost if it is done early enough and continues through the development lifecycle. We have a proven track record of delivering significant returns on investment for clients.

MMP’s are implemented under the CL:AIRE Definition of Waste – Code of Practice and under this protocol MMPs are required to be signed off by a qualified professional. GRM can help you create an MMP for your development and then sign off to comply with CL:AIRE regulations.

Examples of recent GRM news stories that include material management plans can be found via the following links:

To discuss any requirements you might have for Environmental Services, or any other service, please complete the contact form below or call us directly on 01283 551249.

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Centrum 100, Burton-on-Trent,
DE14 2WH

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01283 551 249

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