We are proud of the end-to-end service that our GRM teams can deliver, and with it the benefit to clients in relation to project management under one roof which saves time, cost, and confusion.
One ongoing example of this is a project for a client who is installing a new 4km long sewer pipeline and have instructed GRM to investigate the proposed route to aid in the design of the enabling works and provide ground profiles for river, road, and tunnel crossings.
Whilst the techniques used are fairly simple, the project involves liaising with multiple landowners, agreeing access routes, and reinstatement. Unlike normal investigations, this project requires intrusive works placed close to existing and live service runs and infrastructure.
Our teams have recently been out doing site investigation work on a section of land adjacent to a canal. The investigations comprised a total of 11 holes using a mixture of deep cable percussive boreholes and window sample boreholes.
Cable percussion is a commonly used technique for intrusive ground investigations where good quality undisturbed samples are required. Depths of up to 50m can be achieved using a range of borehole diameters and cutting equipment. Casing inside the boreholes can be used to prevent soils collapse. We have also installed ground water monitoring during the site investigations.
Even though these techniques are termed ‘intrusive’ the borehole can be backfilled and the ground reinstated leaving virtually no long-term disturbance to the land, weather depending!
This project has also proved to be a useful training exercise for Matthew Lloyd, our newest graduate from Liverpool University who joined us in February as an Assistant Engineering Geologist. It is often tempting to use ‘easy’ jobs for training. However, here at GRM we feel that getting experience of the likely tasks our engineers will need to complete is vital even at an early stage in their careers. On this occasion, Matthew’s on-site training was under the watchful eye of experienced GRM Engineering Geologist, Alex Thornber.
If you have any development or construction projects, then please get in touch to find out how we can help save both time and costs. Please use your main point of contact at GRM or for new enquiries email richard.upton@grm-uk.com or call 01283 551249.