We Understand Land

From the Surface Down:
We find out what is there. Decide how to cost-effectively deal with it. Then deliver it.

From the Surface Up:
We identify the best commercial solution. Design it, then ensure it is built correctly.

/ About Us

GRM provide specialist ground, environmental, structural and design services for landowners and developers across the UK.

We are experts in identifying solutions to ground and environmental hazards to ensure development projects can be delivered in a compliant and cost-efficient manner. Our sole aim is to maximise the potential of the site and thereby the commercial return for our clients.

Some of our most popular services are listed opposite, and a full list of all services and solutions can be found below.

Land Appraisal

> Phase 1 Desk Studies
> Phase 2 Site Investigations
> Value Engineering
> Soakaway Testing
> Archaeological Surveys
> Floor Risk Assessments


> Preliminary Risk Assessments
> Ground Gas Assessments
> Material Management Plans
> EIA / Environmental Statements
> Remediation Strategies & Validation
> Due Diligence Audits
> Aerial Surveys

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/ Accreditations

We're the experts

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