GRM can help with specialist surveys including Topographical, Ecology, Tree, Archaeological and Flood Risk Assessments.
Landowners and developers have to undertake specific surveys and assessments as they prepare for the submission of planning applications and to help inform their initial layouts a plans.
In all cases we work with specialist consultants and organisations as part of our overall support for you. The earlier these are done prior to purchase or development planning, the better prepared you will be to manage and mitigate, thereby saving time and money.
Examples include:
Topographical Surveys are often undertaken as part of Phase I Desk Studies. They are required to accurately define the 3-D special relationships between natural and man-made features within a designated area.
Ecology Surveys should be considered at the earliest opportunity and are often required prior to or at the planning stage. Typical requirements include an Ecological Scoping Study, a Phase I Habitat Survey and a Protected Species Survey.
Tree Surveys are often a requirement of both the planning application and design process. For planning purposes, landowners and developers will be required to detail the impact that existing trees and vegetation will have both on the development plot and the spaces adjacent to the plot, e.g. neighbouring properties. When it comes to the detailed foundation design phase of a development project, then the tree survey requirements differ and must be done in accordance with NHBC Standards Chapter 4.2.
Archaeological Surveys of land in historical areas of towns and villages is coming under increasing scrutiny from would-be buyers and developers. An important consideration is the historical and archaeological heritage of potential developments sites, both prior to the purchase of the land or prior to the submission of a planning application.
Flood Risk Assessments (FRAs) and Drainage Strategies are becoming increasingly important, and in many cases are a pre-requisite part of the planning application process. They are also an important consideration pre-purchase of the site or during the due diligence phase. Our vast experience with soil permeability and soakaway testing means we are ideally placed to advise for input into FRAs and Drainage Strategies.
Underground Services and Utilities can provide specific hazards, particularly on brownfield or live sites and can significantly influence the layout and design of a development. They also provide a health and safety risk when undertaking Phase II intrusive works and during the construction phase.
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) poses a potential risk to any development site; however, the risk is more acute in built up and heavily industrialised areas, such as industrial zones in large cities and dockland areas. Historic maps can provide some information but sometimes and specialist UXO risk assessment is required to help mitigate the risk both at investigation and development stages.
Examples of recent GRM news stories related to specialist land surveys can be found via the following links:
- ‘Magnet Fishing’ for Potential Unexploded Ordnance on Former RAF Base!
- Unexploded World War Munitions and other UXO Can Impact Development Projects
- Design The Impact of Existing and New Trees on Building Foundations
- Design if Sustainable Drainage Systems for Developers
- The Use of LIDAR Technology to Locate Unrecorded Coal Mines
To discuss any requirements you might have for a Specialist Survey, or any other service, please complete the contact form below or call us directly on 01283 551249.
Land Appraisal Services
Laurus House, First Avenue,
Centrum 100, Burton-on-Trent,
DE14 2WH
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01283 551 249
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