It might look like just another patch of waste and derelict ground, but to the landowner it is a future residential development project. And to us it is an opportunity to use our expertise to investigate what lies on and underneath the ground. After all, ‘We Understand Land’!
This 1.25-hectare of land in Hull was previously the site of a flour mill. Our initial desk studies revealed it had been bombed during the war and was marked by ‘ruins’ on historical maps. A UXO risk assessment concluded that the site had a ‘Moderate’ UXO risk. Fortunately, none were found!
The site was further complicated by the presence of residual concrete slabs and up to 4m of ‘made ground’ including demolition rubble underlain by Tidal Flat Deposits which comprise soft clay and peat. We therefore had to think outside the box to undertake the required intrusive investigation.
The solution involved a combination of four techniques, namely: trial pitting, window sampling, cable tool borehole with rotary follow-on, and Cone Penetration Testing (CPT). Three of these are taking place at the same time in the attached image from the site!
The advantage of using CPT is that it is all electronic meaning a fast turnaround of results. The attached log image was sent through within 30 mins of the testing being completed! Meaning that real time decisions could be made for additional targeted investigation.
Our geotechnical and environmental experts are now busy interpreting the site investigation data so that we can advise the client on how to bring this former industrial site safely back into use.

If you have any development or construction projects, then please get in touch to find out how we can help and save both time and costs. Please use your main point of contact at GRM or for new enquiries email or call 01283 551249.