Last week (6th – 12th November) was UK Radon Awareness Week, which focused on the dangers of exposure to radon gas and the link to lung cancer in non-smokers. As well as raising awareness for the public, it was also an important reminder for developers to make sure the radon protection requirements are up to date for plots or sites not yet under construction.
On 1st December 2022, the UKHSA published the first new indicative map for 15 years for the whole of the UK. Earlier this year we published an article about these changes and the new legislation, which included updates the National House Building Council (NHBC) had made to their Standards and Building Regulations. This article can be found here:
New Radon Gas Data has Implications for Landowners, Developers & Homeowners
Since then, we have been working closely with existing and new clients to help them understand the changes and implications for their developments. However, we are still finding sites where the original radon assessment has not been reviewed in the light of the new data. This can have implications including delays and additional costs due to redesign of protection measures, or liability where the warranty provider and/or Local Authority finds that the assessment is superseded, and the radon protection is insufficient.
There are a number of possible outcomes from a risk assessment using the updated mapping:
- No change to your site requirements.
- UKHSA mapping indicates an increase in the radon risk but a site specific report confirms no changes to your site .
- A requirement for radon protection measures where there wasn’t one previously (but you may need gas protection measures already due to elevated carbon dioxide/methane).
- An increase in the radon protection measures requirements from basic to full protection (but floor slab design may already incorporate ventilation measures such as a beam and block floor with ventilated sub-floor void).
If you have any concerns about whether the radon assessment for your site has changed, then please do not hesitate to contact us. Please use your main point of contact at GRM or for new enquiries email or call 01283 551249.
Details of the NHBC changes can be found here:
The new maps are available to view here: