Our field-based teams of scientists, engineers and technicians regularly take on-site pictures during all stages of a development project. These are typically used for reports, data recording, or future reference e.g., if the subject is likely to be removed, covered, or needs further interpretation back at the office.
While the pictures are perfect for scientific use, they are rarely suitable for marketing or social media campaigns! We have therefore decided to challenge the teams to get ‘creative’! Can they capture an image that is unusual, quirky, or just perfectly showcases some of the services we offer. We know they can do it!
Which brings us to the first submission, which we love! It was taken by one of our team who was working at a residential development site in Leicestershire. The sunrise (or sunset if you prefer) is spectacular, but equally impressive is the ‘haze’ from the lime mix being deposited onto the soil.
At this particular development site the shallow soils were found to be of poor strength, making it difficult to recompact and unsuitable for re-use beneath hardstanding. Soil stabilisation was therefore necessary, which involved the addition of small quantities of lime and cement to improve strength and help manage the moisture content.
The mix was integrated into the soil, making it suitable for re-use beneath areas of paving and driveways. This is a more cost effective solution than having to excavate and export the soil, then replace with better materials from another site.
If you have any development or construction projects, then please get in touch to find out how we can help save both time and costs. Please use your main point of contact at GRM or for new enquiries email richard.upton@grm-uk.com or call 01283 551249.