Ongoing training is an important aspect of life at GRM, and today was one of the occasions where we were able to get the teams together to review several key practices and exploratory techniques. This included specific sessions on:
- Working in the vicinity of overhead electricity cables
- California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing
- Plate Load Testing
- Nuclear Density Testing
The training for the three testing techniques was conducted in conjunction with Kiwa, who we regularly work with on site investigation projects. CBR testing is typically used to assess the strength of the sub-grade for the construction of roads and pavements, and where particle sizes are no more than 20mm. Plate Load testing is used where the ground particle sizes are larger or the soil has a firmer texture, and measures the actual strength and the bearing capacity of ground. Nuclear density testing is used to determine the in situ density and moisture content of soils, aggregates and bituminous materials.

If you have any development or construction projects, then please get in touch to find out how we can help save both time and costs. Please use your main point of contact at GRM or for new enquiries email or call 01283 551249.